Ship Name: Terran Naval Yards CR-1095 heavy cruiser (Confederate Cruiser) Cost: 20.00 Million Credits Speed: 150 Accel: Poor Turn: Terrible Shields: 800 Armor: 100 Guns: Maximum of 8 Turrets: Maximum of 4 Space: 100 tons Cargo: 75 tons Fuel: 4 jumps Length: 250 m Mass: 1000 tons Crew: 1029 Standard weapons: 4 Neutron Blasters 2 Torpedo Launchers + 14 Torpedos 4 Proton Turrets 4 Confederate Patrol Ships My opinion: The sturdiest ship in the galaxy (apart from the aliens) is also the most expensive. But this beut is worth every penny, almost. Selling the neutron blasters is a must. Doing so will free up 140 tons of weapon room, and with them being a secondary weapon you're not likely to be using them much. Purchasing a layer of each armor will make this flying fortress virtually unpenetrable, and you should have the room for it, too. Max out the guns and turrets with proton cannons and three laser cannons. You should still have plenty of room to stock up on missles and torpedos, and if you can handle them, space bombs don't hurt either. The downside to all this is horendous turning and acceleration. The three major engine upgrades are all recommended, almost required, but even so, the turning will still make you weezy. Computer controled: This is a very tough ship to disable. Period. Focus on anhilating the patrol ships first. The slow moving torpedos should be easy to dodge. From there on its up to you to lead a balanced air strike from afar with appropriate fly-bys. The computer rarely has the Cruiser fire its neutron blasters so don't worry about them. I haven't been able to disable one of these with anything less than a Kestrel, and capturing the 1000+ man crew is difficult task.